The AI Revolution in ITSM: A Mega-Trend You Can’t Ignore

Gen AI – it’s all anyone can talk about these days. But for IT leaders on the frontlines, the question is: what does this mean for their day-to-day? Our new report helps you navigate the impact of Gen AI on IT strategies and explores the mega trends keeping IT leaders up at night.

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AI Self-Service is Your Secret Weapon for an Incredible Employee Experience

IT teams are increasingly turning to AI to empower employees and streamline the delivery of IT services. Almost 28% of respondents aim to improve employee experience through increased self-service for issue resolution.




IT Managers and Higher


From North America, Europe & UK

Who Are The Respondents?

Global Insights

  • 47% North America

  • 13% Europe & UK

  • 14% Latin America

  • 17% Africa & Asia

  • 9% Other

55% Are Decision-Makers

  • 22% IT Agents

  • 35% IT Managers

  • 20% Directors and C-level position

  • 5% Analysts

  • 18% Other

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A Wide Range of Industries

  • #1 Financial Services

  • #2 Manufacturing

  • #3 Education

  • #4 Healthcare

  • #5 Government

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Future-Proof Your IT Strategy and Improve Your Winning Tactics to Achieve Your Business Goals.

Boosting Employee Experience through AI Self-Service is a Top Goal for our Customers

This frees IT agents from repetitive tasks and allows them to focus on more proactive work, such as shift left and ticket elimination using Problem Management.

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Even with Economic Uncertainty, IT Investment Keeps Climbing.

There’s been a significant increase in IT investment. Nearly 60% of our respondents identified IT as a top strategic priority and, over a quarter (26.3%) of IT leaders surveyed reported it was an even greater focus this year.

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Centralized Platforms Are the Future, Bringing Everything Together for Smoother Service Management.

67% of respondents see a move to a centralized, unified platform as a strategic imperative. This isn’t just about convenience – it’s all about optimizing visibility and streamlining service delivery.

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Want to know all the latest mega trends in ITSM?
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